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September 16 - Mexican Independence Day
Happy Independence Day to our neighbors to the south! One place for more information is the History Channel .

Sep 15-Oct 15 - Hispanic Heritage Month
McGill has TWO fantastic events in celebration of this month. First, we have our Hispanic Heritage Celebration from 5-7pm on Friday,...

Thu Sep 12 - Back to School Night - 5pm
Join as at 5pm on Thursday September 12th! Get all the info on the new school year and meet the teachers and staff!

Fri Sep 6 - Grandparents Day Celebration - 7:45 am
The students of McGill School of Success invite you to celebrate Grandparents Day on Friday, September 6th, at 7:45am. Refreshments will...

Thu Sep 5 - McGill Board Meeting - 6pm
The McGill School of Success will meet at 6pm on Thursday September 5th at the school, 3025 Fir St and online

Kindergarten Readiness Camp 2024
McGill's Kinder Camp will be held Wednesday, August 14th to Friday, August 16th, from 8am to12pm . We will spend the week getting kids...

McGill's June Summer Camp - June 17-29
McGill's June Summer Camp will be a lot of fun! Questions? Contact Sarah Balster-Gee (

Thu Jun 13 - 5th Grade Field Trip to Sea World - 9am - 4pm
McGill's 5th Grade students will visit Sea World on Thursday, leaving the school around 9am and returning around 4pm.

Fri June 7 - Flashback Friday - 90s/00s - 1:30pm
All grade levels will perform hit dances and song from the 1990's and 2000's, to cap off another wonderful year at McGill School of...

Spirit Week - June 3-7
Show your school spirit by dressing up for each day! Monday - Favorite Character Day Tuesday - Twins/Triplets Day Wednesday - Backwards...

Thu May 30 - TK/Kinder Info Night - 5:30pm
Join us to learn all about our amazing Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten Programs! Meet the teachers and tour the classrooms and...

Fri May 31 - Leadership Awards for April - 8:30am
At 8:30am on Friday, May 31st, McGill will celebrate students who showed excellence in leadership in the month of April! Join us in...

Thu May 30 - Chicken Little by K/1st Grade - 2pm
McGill's Kinder/1st Grade class will put on a performance of Chicken Little at 2pm on Thursday, May 30th. You may watch live at the...

THURSDAY May 30th - Coffee with the Principal - 8:30am, 9:30am
Please join Principal Mendoza for coffee & conversation on all things McGill. En español a 8:30am, in English at 9:30am. PLEASE NOTE:...

Mon May 27 - Memorial Day - School Closed
The school will be closed on Monday, May 27th in honor of those who gave their lives in the service of our country.
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