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1990 - The new book by McGill's Own Mr D!

Mr Bedgood, one of McGill's most-loved paraprofessionals, has published another book! Congratulations, Mr D!

1990 is a beautifully crafted poetic “quasi-autobiography” which lyrically recounts key events and experiences that helped shape the life of author/educator/poet Dametrius Bedgood. Titled after his birth year, 1990 offers insight into crucial life experiences and personal philosophies that deal with topics such as existentialism, introspection, and the craft of writing. This collection is a testament to Mr. Bedgood’s continued growth as a writer and as a human being. Featuring over 30 original poems and illustrations, 1990 also features poems written by a few creative young artists who were inspired by Mr. Bedgood’s earlier works.

You can buy the book from Amazon at

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