On February 23rd, 2023, McGill School of Success formally dedicated our former music room to Dr Dorothy Smith, a San Diego educational pioneer and daughter of one of the school's founders, Reverend George Walker Smith.
Dr Smith's picture looked on from a place of honor.
CEO/Principal Mendoza and Music & Arts Teacher Sanchez were hosts for the evening.
Mr Sanchez gets the party started.
Board member Susanna Rosario presents the official dedication plaque.
Mr Sanchez applauds as Dr Smith's daughter, Sharian Lott, cuts the ribbon on the Smith Center of Arts & Culture
Ms Lott and her son, Evan Lott, in front of Dr Smith's picture.
Some of Dr Smith's family poses with John Hubbard, representing Christ United Presbyterian Church.
CEO/Principal Mendoza, Board member Susanna Rosario, Sharon Lott, Evan Lott and Mr Sanchez