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Fourth Grade First Week

Dear 4th Grade Families,

We made it through the first week of school! I am so privileged to be your child’s teacher this year. Many teachers throughout the school had been telling me what a great class I would be receiving and, I must agree, this is such a special group of kids. They have already shown me how bright, respectful, and hard-working they are.

This week we have hit the ground running in math, starting with place value, a critical skill to be mastered in fourth grade. The students have been eager to show what they know and what they’re capable of. We have been finding our groove of having a smoothly transitioning Reader’s Workshop and, of course, going over classroom rules and procedures to keep all students safe and ready to learn.

Our room can get a little chilly during the hot months, so please feel free to send your child to school with a sweater or light jacket. If your child would like, he/she can bring a snack, preferably fresh fruit or vegetables, to eat during our Recess at 10:00-10:30am. Below you will find our class schedule for your reference.

Below you will also find pictures of some of the things we did this week, like creating robot fingers in Science, sharing ways we can be respectful at school, and, the students' favorite, saving Fred! Ask your child how he/she saved Fred. 😉 We are also earning our way to a pizza party! The class voted on what reward they should receive once they fill the jar with pom-poms. Feel free to ask your child how the class can earn pom-poms.

If you have any questions or concerns, I am always happy to discuss via email, phone call, or conference.

I look forward to a fabulous year together!


​Morning Meeting


​English Language Arts (ELA)














Physical Education (Dance P.E.)


Project-Based Learning (PBL)


Dismissal/ Extended Day Program (EDP)


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