EDPSchool Daze EDP Event - Oct 3McGill School of success Extended Day program presents... School Daze with Mr. D A special read aloud event Monday, October 3rd, 3:30pm...
EventsSchool Picture Day!Tuesday, September 27th we will be taking school pictures. It is a free dress day, so any school-appropriate clothing may be worn.
EventsHispanic Heritage CelebrationMcGill will hold a celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month at 5:30pm on September 29th.
EventsBoard Candidate Info SessionMcGill has two openings on its school board, and is looking for parents (or other community members) to fill them. PLEASE, if you have a...
EventsSchoolsite Council (SSC) meeting - June 7th 2pmThere will be a McGill Schoolsite Council meeting at 2pm on June 7th in the McGill School of Success Conference Room. You may find the...